Albert Einstein once said "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
In an organization as large as ours, we often get caught in this rut of creating sophisticated electronic tools that run complicated algorithms which create a fancy tool for telling us how to do the right thing. It's interesting to me that sometimes the things we make the most progress on don't involve technology at all or very minimally. Creating a standardized workflow during a couple of lunch hour sessions with physician's and support staff cost us the price of providing some sandwiches . Having physician's and staff sit down together one on one to complete a contract which we call a team agreement opened up the lines of communication beyond our EMR tools. Often, when I speak to external audiences they are impressed with our electronic capabilities, but they are hungry for the tools and process workflows. These tools I mention are not made up from those "fancy algorithms" I mentioned previously, but are mostly thoughtful, simple solutions which can be implemented anywhere with almost no cost. My boss is an amazing leader who has impressed upon me her "less is more" philosophy. Keep it simple and make it easy. Sometimes less truly is more.
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