We have a pretty popular neighborhood for trick or treating and get people that will literally pull in to our driveway in a van and have 12 little kids pour out to come get our treats. Kids of all ages, shapes, and sizes hike up our steps to see what treat awaits. My family teases me because I give out glow sticks and glow bracelets to trick or treaters instead of candy. I do this because 1) I think there is too much diabetes in the world, 2) you need to be able to see the kids and parents who are darting across a busy street in dark clothing for someone else's candy, and 3) because, well... it's just cheaper than buying candy. $15 dollars will buy me 300 glow bracelets! My husband thinks I'm cheating those kids because I don't give candy and always goes out and buys some tootsie rolls to pass out, like a drug pusher sneaking a piece of candy in some other person's territory. Not cool... The funny thing is, my older daughter was handing out my glow bracelets with me this year and after one particularly chubby child walked away, she whispered... "Yep... he'll have diabetes one day". I had to laugh because it told me that my kids really do listen to me (even if they pretend they don't). This morning my 16 year old text me the following picture and said... this sounds like something you would say. Unfortunately, she is right. So... here is a little math and medicine for you.
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